Interview with Ali Zaidi on designing lessons in artificial intelligence

Interview with Ali Zaidi on designing lessons in artificial intelligence

Ali Zaidi is a MITRE data scientist tackling an interesting challenge for MITRE as part of his work for Generation AI Nexus. As the fields of machine learning and data science have grown, the need for machine learning education has become a necessity of many fields few would associate with computer science.

Cultural Challenges in Data Science

Cultural Challenges in Data Science

In her previous post, Technical Challenges in Data Science, Amanda Andrei discussed the need for technical vigilance and with experts Dr. Elizabeth Hohman, statistician and group leader within MITRE’s Department of Data Analytics, and Dr. Eric Bloedorn, senior principal artificial intelligence engineer. Tools and models, however carefully managed, tell, of course, only part of the story. Data scientists are people, and they and the tools they use reside within organizational cultures, which may require as much training as the data to hand.—Editor

Learning with Intention

Learning with Intention

MITRE is, and always has been, a learning company. It’s a point of pride among staff to be immersed in training, a new degree, a new book, a new talk. The key to making it all stick, however, is intent and practice. Whether you agree with the 10,000 hours concept or...
Eureka Café

Eureka Café

In this post, Howard Gershen describes how he managed Samuel Johnson’s feat of making “new things familiar, and familiar things new” for colleagues with discriminating palates. Best part of his approach is that you can try it right away, adjusting, of course, to the...

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