Behind the Brand: Why Your Organization’s Origin Story Matters

Behind the Brand: Why Your Organization’s Origin Story Matters

When we talk about an origin story, we naturally think of characters in great movies or captivating novels. We rarely think about businesses or organizations. Origin stories, when skillfully woven into an organization’s strategic communications in the defense sector, can pack an effective punch with key audiences.

Preparing for the Future by Knowing How to Take a Punch

Preparing for the Future by Knowing How to Take a Punch

Most organizations typically plan for one type of opponent (one future) even though a better approach would be preparing for multiple opponents (multiple futures), building in the much-needed resiliency. One approach that helps build this resiliency into organization is Strategic Foresight, an approach developed by Herman Kahn in the 1950s to help the US contemplate and plan for various outcomes of the Cold War including Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) using applications from game theory.

AI & Technology: Lending a Hand to People with Disabilities

AI & Technology: Lending a Hand to People with Disabilities

Imagine waiting 30 minutes or longer to get through to a customer service center and when your call is finally answered, you can’t understand what the service representative is saying because you have a hearing impairment. Or you place a call to your doctor but aren’t able to communicate your needs to the medical staff because your speech is impaired. Or you are a child with autism and being in a classroom and interacting with your teacher and classmates overwhelms you with anxiety.

Applications in Data Science: A Serious Game for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy

Applications in Data Science: A Serious Game for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy

MITRE believes that data is the next medical innovation in health. How might connecting people and data reinvent the health experience? To find out, a team of researchers developed Home Assessments for Prompt Intervention (HAPI), a serious game that uses Microsoft Kinect-based joint tracking to detect critical changes in patients with cerebral palsy…

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