International Cyber Capacity Building
Principal Cybersecurity Engineer Cynthia A. Wright discusses how MITRE has supported numerous developing countries through international cyber capacity building.
Principal Cybersecurity Engineer Cynthia A. Wright discusses how MITRE has supported numerous developing countries through international cyber capacity building.
Quantum technologies frequently appear in popular science articles and can also be a popular speculative conversation topic among interested professionals. This is for good reason: Quantum technologies have the potential to be game changing in many ways, but that fact can be misleading as to how soon, and how direct, those impacts will be to our everyday lives. As a trusted advisor to many government sponsors, MITRE explains these technologies and aims to temper expectations when necessary.
Theodore “Turtle” Wilson has made a name for himself inspiring change. MITRE has never been short on good ideas, but getting others to embrace those ideas is always a challenge. That’s when you need to call in someone who can empathize with the folks you want to help, while seeing the big picture—someone like Turtle.
Delve into the history and meaning of risk, and you may be surprised to find that the word risk has an uncertain etymology. Depending on the domain, definitions of risk may be based on probability, danger, uncertainty, or chance.
Our world and workplace are increasingly being aided by artificial intelligence, from personal assistants like Alexa to robots working on assembly lines. But, in most cases, people’s needs must remain front and center if…
Federal acquisition is easy and straightforward, said no one ever. Rules, regulations, policies, procedures, definitions, requirements, contracts, forms—constantly updated …
An electronic flight bag (EFB) may typically be used to replace pilots’ paper charts, but with some new developments, it could start to be more of a cognitive assistant. MITRE researchers….
Knowledge Visualization Part 4: Tips & Tools…
You’ve likely seen the video with gorilla—the one in which you actually missed the gorilla the first time you watched it? Selective attention is real—hence laws against texting while driving. All of us who aim to share knowledge thoughtfully (outside of cars and monkey suits) learn to develop…
How much fun are you going to have with Howard Gershen’s second post on counting and reasoning? Innumerable amounts. Don’t expect any new rules of thumb, but he does offer some insights where it really counts.—Editor
One practice that Natalie Angier, James Gleick, Jeanne Liedtka, Steven Pinker, and Deborah Tannen have in common…
Stanford researcher Carol Dweck has explored the concepts of fixed and growth mindsets at length. Someone operating with…
Time, attention, and craft are among the most beautiful, lasting experiences one professional can share with another. The author, a student investigator at MITRE, reflects …
I believe that knowledge management as a discipline developed because technology enabled the deluge of data we began experiencing about 20 years ago. The ways that we used to organize and share our information were no longer adequate to the task and we needed something new. I’ve spent the last five or six years focusing on data, more specifically on helping organizations treat their data as a strategic asset that requires the same stewardship afforded any other valuable resource within the organization.