A Playbook for Developing an Engagement Playbook

A Playbook for Developing an Engagement Playbook

When we think about a playbook, we often think about football. Developed over a nine-month season, the sponsor tasked us to deliver an Engagement Playbook to assist them in promoting adoption of a revised legal agreement between them and key stakeholders. We knew that we needed a strong set of plays to get us to the big game. Read how we tackled the Engagement Playbook using four key offensive plays.

Behind the Brand: Why Your Organization’s Origin Story Matters

Behind the Brand: Why Your Organization’s Origin Story Matters

When we talk about an origin story, we naturally think of characters in great movies or captivating novels. We rarely think about businesses or organizations. Origin stories, when skillfully woven into an organization’s strategic communications in the defense sector, can pack an effective punch with key audiences.

Find My Colleagues

Find My Colleagues

In the summer of 2020, most MITRE employees opted to give up their permanent office with the intent of eventually working in the hybrid model – a few days per week onsite, and the remainder working remotely. As the pandemic showed signs of subsiding in the summer of 2021, many MITRE employees started to come back to the office a few days each week. For those without permanent offices, they relied on a new reservation system to book reservable offices for a day or even a partial day.

Educating Future National Security Leaders at National Defense University’s The Eisenhower School

Educating Future National Security Leaders at National Defense University’s The Eisenhower School

The Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy is one of National Defense University’s five graduate colleges tasked with preparing military officers and federal government and private sector civilians for strategic leadership and success in developing national security strategy.

As former Assistant Professors of Behavioral Science in the Strategic Leadership and Industry Studies Departments, Jim Chapple and Larry Colby have seen first-hand how The Eisenhower School’s work meshes with the capabilities within their own department (Human and Organizational Systems [HOS]), MITRE Labs, and the Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) managed by MITRE.

My Path as a Techie to Learning About Equity

My Path as a Techie to Learning About Equity

Electrical Engineer, Jonathan Rotner, discusses the stories that stayed with him from his research for a website and paper called “AI Fails and How We Can Learn from Them”. He recalls a couple of stories where his first reaction was the AI fails were engineering problems that could be analyzed and fixed, when they were issues of Equity.

Safeguarding Our Smart Ports: Lessons from Djibouti with Tamara Ambrosio-Hemphill

Safeguarding Our Smart Ports: Lessons from Djibouti with Tamara Ambrosio-Hemphill

In this episode of the Knowledge-Driven Podcast, MITRE’s Tamara Ambrosio-Hemphill guides us through the decision-support tools MITRE has been developing to help the U.S. safeguard critical infrastructure across the globe while building partnerships and helping allies create a better future for their citizens.

New book teaches how to apply agility principles to organizations

New book teaches how to apply agility principles to organizations

In their new book, The Government Leader’s Guide to Organizational Agility, authors Sarah Miller and Dr. Shelley Kirkpatrick consolidated their combined 42 years of knowledge, tools, anecdotes, tips, and tricks into one resource for government agency leaders at all levels. Leaders are urged to consult the book as a reference when using agility to make organizational changes.

Uniting to Fight the Global Water Crisis

Uniting to Fight the Global Water Crisis

John Halamka, president of the Mayo Clinic Platform, and Doc Hendley, founder of Wine To Water, a nonprofit organization that helps communities around the world develop sustainable clean water solutions, spoke at a MITRE speaker series event this spring. They spoke about the challenges communities at home and abroad face accessing clean water. Read how this speaker series impacted Liv Blackmon, which led to over 50 employees signing up to help and donate to World Water Day.

Sustainable Diet, Sustainable World: Community Supported Agriculture Helps Make Both Happen

Sustainable Diet, Sustainable World: Community Supported Agriculture Helps Make Both Happen

When you buy your groceries, the best and brightest fruits and veggies have usually traveled across the country and sometimes across the world to get to you. This supply chain bypasses the perfectly fresh produce local to your community. Our traditional market practices have enormously high transportation and carbon costs, create massive amounts of wasted food, and may leave our local farmers with unsustainable businesses.

So what can we do to address these problems?

Energy Masters: Improving the Water and Energy Efficiency of Under-Invested Communities

Energy Masters: Improving the Water and Energy Efficiency of Under-Invested Communities

“Weatherizing my home? What does that mean?” “I’m only renting. Why should I care?” “That sounds complicated and expensive.”

These are common responses Kathy Huynh would hear from renters living in the lower-income apartment complexes where she spent time volunteering as an Energy Master. Energy Masters is a program focused on providing information and services for under-invested communities in Arlington and Alexandria. The objective is to help residents decrease their energy and water usage and utility bills, while, ideally, increasing comfort levels in units.

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