What You Need to Know About Post Quantum Crypto, With Perry Loveridge

What You Need to Know About Post Quantum Crypto, With Perry Loveridge

Researchers have been vocal about the rise of quantum computers and how they may come to fundamentally undermine our assurance in cryptography (AKA the backbone of protecting all our digital interactions). Enter Perry Loveridge, the MITRE engineer paving a path towards a future where all of our digital interactions can be protected, even from quantum computers.

The Best Security Against Quantum Attack Isn’t Quantum Key Distribution

The Best Security Against Quantum Attack Isn’t Quantum Key Distribution

Every day, billions of people connect to the internet. When you log on to your favorite website, mitre.org for example, you can be quite safe in assuming that what you get is the real MITRE website and not a random server pretending to be mitre.org to steal information. You can also safely assume that you are the only one who can log on to your bank account and access all the information contained in it.

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