May 10, 2024 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Knowledge Advantage, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Strategy
When we talk about an origin story, we naturally think of characters in great movies or captivating novels. We rarely think about businesses or organizations. Origin stories, when skillfully woven into an organization’s strategic communications in the defense sector, can pack an effective punch with key audiences.
May 3, 2021 | Blog, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science
According to the independent website Government Technology, “Many government agencies have an unstructured data nightmare, with bits and bytes scattered across servers, clouds and hypervisors.” Vernor Vinge calls this so-called nightmare “data glut.” In an era of Internet of Things (IoT), the data glut may not get better, and, in fact, is likely to get worse.
Jan 25, 2021 | Blog, Learning Organization
Like life, our projects move fast, and it is hard to find the time to stop and look around, causing us to miss insights that could be valuable to future projects. That’s where the Knowledge Harvesting (KH) Framework comes in.
Dec 12, 2020 | Analytic Tools, Blog, Capabilities, Cognitive Assistance, Knowledge Advantage
Quantum technologies frequently appear in popular science articles and can also be a popular speculative conversation topic among interested professionals. This is for good reason: Quantum technologies have the potential to be game changing in many ways, but that fact can be misleading as to how soon, and how direct, those impacts will be to our everyday lives. As a trusted advisor to many government sponsors, MITRE explains these technologies and aims to temper expectations when necessary.
Jun 6, 2019 | Blog, Learning Organization, Uncategorized
Terkadang dalam hidup, perlu mengubah kecepatan dan keadaan pikiran, translates from Indonesian to sometimes in life, you need to change your speed and state of mind.
Feb 17, 2019 | Blog, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science
Clinical diagnostic support. Loan approval. Predictive policing and parole. These are all examples of consequential systems, meaning that they are systems with immediate, long-term, impactful consequences on people within them.
Apr 12, 2018 | Blog, Learning Organization
Intellectually, rationally, we know that the people with whom we speak don’t always understand us and that ascribing fault is counterproductive…
Mar 1, 2018 | Blog, Knowledge Advantage, Learning Organization
Knowledge Visualization Part 4: Tips & Tools…
Nov 27, 2017 | Blog, Knowledge Advantage
You’ve likely seen the video with gorilla—the one in which you actually missed the gorilla the first time you watched it? Selective attention is real—hence laws against texting while driving. All of us who aim to share knowledge thoughtfully (outside of cars and monkey suits) learn to develop…
Oct 26, 2017 | Analytic Tools, Blog, Knowledge Advantage, Learning Organization
Stanford researcher Carol Dweck has explored the concepts of fixed and growth mindsets at length. Someone operating with…
Jul 26, 2017 | Assessment & Recognition, Blog, Knowledge Operations
Author: Amanda L. AndreiPassionUncertaintyLearningDiversityThe reward of doing work wellThese were only a few of the answers MITRE employees gave to Dr. Peter Senge’s question, “Think of a team you enjoyed being a part of—what made it good?” at our annual Knowledge...
Jun 13, 2016 | Blog, Collaboration, Partnerships and Social Media, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing
This first of two posts covers some of the challenges of retaining the know-how of experienced staff in the face of changing work-force demographics. The authors compare tacit and explicit knowledge, and consider how companies might capture and retain this rich...
Apr 25, 2016 | Blog, Collaboration, Partnerships and Social Media
When you hear the word documentation, if the first image that pops into your head is the crummy user guide you just threw away, you are in for a surprise. In the hands of Alex Lyte, John Griffith, Tod Levitt, and Leo Obrst, documentation is an indispensable business...