Jul 10, 2024 | Blog, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Strategy
When we think about a playbook, we often think about football. Developed over a nine-month season, the sponsor tasked us to deliver an Engagement Playbook to assist them in promoting adoption of a revised legal agreement between them and key stakeholders. We knew that we needed a strong set of plays to get us to the big game. Read how we tackled the Engagement Playbook using four key offensive plays.
Jan 9, 2024 | Blog, Knowledge Operations, Strategy
Mark and Jillian discuss their work in Strategic Foresight, using research and scenarios to provide decision makers insight into the future beyond typical planning cycles.
May 4, 2023 | Blog, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Quantum, Strategy
Forging connections is at the heart of Brian Flournoy’s position at MITRE. His work in Italy supports US Operations in Africa, connecting him with people across geographic boundaries. Check out the podcast episode to learn how Brian ended up in Italy and to hear more about his job.
Dec 8, 2022 | Blog, Internet of Things Security: Challenges and Solutions, Intranets, Business Process, and Knowledge Operations, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science
In our new episode of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science in the Knowledge-Driven Enterprise, we discuss business drivers, future vision, technologies, and the framework supporting proactive user experiences in information technology.
Nov 13, 2022 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Knowledge Sharing Culture
In this episode, Leah Balkin, Systems Engineer, discusses her efforts to promote mentorship at MITRE.
Oct 25, 2022 | Blog, Learning Organization
At MITRE, we tackle tasks related to everything from reviewing information and analyzing data to evaluating and formulating solutions. In other words, we think. We often think long and hard about long and hard problems.
Sep 7, 2022 | Blog, Human Organizational Systems, Knowledge Advantage, Strategy
In the summer of 2020, most MITRE employees opted to give up their permanent office with the intent of eventually working in the hybrid model – a few days per week onsite, and the remainder working remotely. As the pandemic showed signs of subsiding in the summer of 2021, many MITRE employees started to come back to the office a few days each week. For those without permanent offices, they relied on a new reservation system to book reservable offices for a day or even a partial day.
Aug 17, 2022 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Knowledge Advantage, Knowledge Sharing Culture
In this episode of the MITRE Knowledge Driven Enterprise Podcast, Renee Rookwood, Healthcare Principal, shares her relationship with the concept of resilience and how it is applied to teams.
Jun 28, 2022 | Blog, Capabilities, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Strategy
The Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy is one of National Defense University’s five graduate colleges tasked with preparing military officers and federal government and private sector civilians for strategic leadership and success in developing national security strategy.
As former Assistant Professors of Behavioral Science in the Strategic Leadership and Industry Studies Departments, Jim Chapple and Larry Colby have seen first-hand how The Eisenhower School’s work meshes with the capabilities within their own department (Human and Organizational Systems [HOS]), MITRE Labs, and the Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) managed by MITRE.
May 31, 2022 | Blog, Learning Organization, Strategy
In this episode of the MITRE Knowledge Driven Podcast, Science and Technology Advisor David D. Perkins, discusses MITRE’s role on the work of the Great Power Competition initiative. Join us, as we take a dive into the inner workings of the data-driven processes that influence government actions regarding strategic competition and national resilience.
May 23, 2022 | Assessment & Recognition, Awards, Blog, Capabilities, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Human Organizational Systems, Knowledge Operations, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Learning Organization
Foundry’s CIO named MITRE to the CIO 100 for a second year in a row. The award recognizes MITRE’s enterprise platforms IT/knowledge management initiative for accelerating mission impact in 2021.
Feb 15, 2022 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Knowledge Operations, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science
In this episode of the Knowledge-Driven Podcast, MITRE’s Tamara Ambrosio-Hemphill guides us through the decision-support tools MITRE has been developing to help the U.S. safeguard critical infrastructure across the globe while building partnerships and helping allies create a better future for their citizens.
Jan 20, 2022 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Human Organizational Systems, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Learning Organization
In their new book, The Government Leader’s Guide to Organizational Agility, authors Sarah Miller and Dr. Shelley Kirkpatrick consolidated their combined 42 years of knowledge, tools, anecdotes, tips, and tricks into one resource for government agency leaders at all levels. Leaders are urged to consult the book as a reference when using agility to make organizational changes.
Dec 2, 2021 | Blog, Knowledge Advantage, Learning Organization, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science
Blockchain is everyone’s favorite buzz word. Whether it’s crypto currency or NFTs, the technology has been getting a lot of attention for how it could disrupt how we buy and interact. But MITRE’s own Jaya Tripathi sees a far more critical use for blockchain, tracking drugs. Listen in as she shares her vision of a brighter pharmaceutical future built on Blockchains.
Sep 2, 2021 | Blog, Collaboration, Partnerships and Social Media
In this episode of the MITRE Knowledge Driven Podcast, Principal Economics and Business Analyst, Dr. Vinod Jain, shares his experience in unlocking leadership presence and offers insightful guidance on how anyone can achieve their own sense of presence.
Jul 23, 2021 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing
In the latest installment of the Knowledge-Driven Podcast, join us as Jenn Richkus and Jon Desenburg share how they are using their civic time to help the Endangered Wildlife Trust improve life for people and animals across the African continent.
Jul 21, 2021 | Blog, Learning Organization
Another quarter, another aviation industry update. Join us as Bob Brents and Michael Wells walk us through an economic recovery spanning everything you ever spent money on. Even if you never plan to fly again, you’ll still learn some powerful insights about the invisible forces you interact with everyday!
Jun 8, 2021 | Blog, Collaboration, Partnerships and Social Media
John Halamka, president of the Mayo Clinic Platform, and Doc Hendley, founder of Wine To Water, a nonprofit organization that helps communities around the world develop sustainable clean water solutions, spoke at a MITRE speaker series event this spring. They spoke about the challenges communities at home and abroad face accessing clean water. Read how this speaker series impacted Liv Blackmon, which led to over 50 employees signing up to help and donate to World Water Day.
Jun 1, 2021 | Blog, Learning Organization
MITRE employees are always hard at work, solving problems for a safer world. However, would you believe that some of those problems are best suited to be solved by the development of fun games? On this episode of the MITRE Knowledge Driven Podcast, Principal Software Systems Engineer Peter Leveille gives us an introductory lesson on serious games and the underrated potential of their application as a tool in development work.
May 22, 2021 | Blog, Learning Organization
In this installment of the MITRE Knowledge Driven Podcast, Data Analytics Engineer Steffani Silva, gives us an inside look at the inner workings of Generation AI Nexus, a collaboration among MITRE, universities, and government that educates students, as well as professors, on the power of artificial intelligence and accessible data.