Jul 10, 2024 | Blog, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Strategy
When we think about a playbook, we often think about football. Developed over a nine-month season, the sponsor tasked us to deliver an Engagement Playbook to assist them in promoting adoption of a revised legal agreement between them and key stakeholders. We knew that we needed a strong set of plays to get us to the big game. Read how we tackled the Engagement Playbook using four key offensive plays.
May 10, 2024 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Knowledge Advantage, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Strategy
When we talk about an origin story, we naturally think of characters in great movies or captivating novels. We rarely think about businesses or organizations. Origin stories, when skillfully woven into an organization’s strategic communications in the defense sector, can pack an effective punch with key audiences.
Nov 13, 2022 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Knowledge Sharing Culture
In this episode, Leah Balkin, Systems Engineer, discusses her efforts to promote mentorship at MITRE.
Oct 25, 2022 | Blog, Learning Organization
At MITRE, we tackle tasks related to everything from reviewing information and analyzing data to evaluating and formulating solutions. In other words, we think. We often think long and hard about long and hard problems.
May 23, 2022 | Assessment & Recognition, Awards, Blog, Capabilities, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Human Organizational Systems, Knowledge Operations, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Learning Organization
Foundry’s CIO named MITRE to the CIO 100 for a second year in a row. The award recognizes MITRE’s enterprise platforms IT/knowledge management initiative for accelerating mission impact in 2021.
Jan 20, 2022 | Blog, Cross-Organizational Information Sharing, Human Organizational Systems, Knowledge Sharing Culture, Learning Organization
In their new book, The Government Leader’s Guide to Organizational Agility, authors Sarah Miller and Dr. Shelley Kirkpatrick consolidated their combined 42 years of knowledge, tools, anecdotes, tips, and tricks into one resource for government agency leaders at all levels. Leaders are urged to consult the book as a reference when using agility to make organizational changes.
Apr 25, 2016 | Blog, Collaboration, Partnerships and Social Media
When you hear the word documentation, if the first image that pops into your head is the crummy user guide you just threw away, you are in for a surprise. In the hands of Alex Lyte, John Griffith, Tod Levitt, and Leo Obrst, documentation is an indispensable business...