Sustainable Diet, Sustainable World: Community Supported Agriculture Helps Make Both Happen

Sustainable Diet, Sustainable World: Community Supported Agriculture Helps Make Both Happen

When you buy your groceries, the best and brightest fruits and veggies have usually traveled across the country and sometimes across the world to get to you. This supply chain bypasses the perfectly fresh produce local to your community. Our traditional market practices have enormously high transportation and carbon costs, create massive amounts of wasted food, and may leave our local farmers with unsustainable businesses.

So what can we do to address these problems?

Energy Masters: Improving the Water and Energy Efficiency of Under-Invested Communities

Energy Masters: Improving the Water and Energy Efficiency of Under-Invested Communities

“Weatherizing my home? What does that mean?” “I’m only renting. Why should I care?” “That sounds complicated and expensive.”

These are common responses Kathy Huynh would hear from renters living in the lower-income apartment complexes where she spent time volunteering as an Energy Master. Energy Masters is a program focused on providing information and services for under-invested communities in Arlington and Alexandria. The objective is to help residents decrease their energy and water usage and utility bills, while, ideally, increasing comfort levels in units.

Pivoting From In-Person to Virtual Transformation When That’s the Only Option

Pivoting From In-Person to Virtual Transformation When That’s the Only Option

The pace of change accelerated across organizations over the past year, perhaps even more so across the government, given the previously limited telework capacity and available resources for robust virtual collaboration. This post focuses on lessons learned while taking a high-engagement, in-person, transformational change method into the virtual world to support the Census Bureau’s effort to design a 21st-century organization.

The Road to Resilient, Sustainable Infrastructure is a Smart One

The Road to Resilient, Sustainable Infrastructure is a Smart One

When Charles Clancy helped launch Virginia’s Smart City Innovation Competition in January, he mentioned that, despite being MITRE’s Chief Futurist, his job didn’t come with a crystal ball.

Instead, he told the hundred or so innovators participating in the month-long hackathon—the first of its kind in Virginia—that his job is to think beyond the challenges facing the government today, focus on likely challenges in the future, and ensure that MITRE has talent with the schooling and smarts to prepare for those problems.

Humble Beginnings

Humble Beginnings

Once upon a time, when it was uncommon to wear a medical mask in public, I was a mechanical engineering student at the University of Oklahoma. As anyone who’s been to the Southeast will know, Oklahoma is oil country. Therefore, when I went to the career fair in the Spring semester of my junior year, I had filtered out all of the companies that had anything to do with the petroleum industry. I was left with only a few companies that piqued my interest. One of these companies was MITRE.

What You Need to Know About Post Quantum Crypto, With Perry Loveridge

What You Need to Know About Post Quantum Crypto, With Perry Loveridge

Researchers have been vocal about the rise of quantum computers and how they may come to fundamentally undermine our assurance in cryptography (AKA the backbone of protecting all our digital interactions). Enter Perry Loveridge, the MITRE engineer paving a path towards a future where all of our digital interactions can be protected, even from quantum computers.

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