MOCHA is Way More Than a Drink

MOCHA is Way More Than a Drink

When you launch a project team, what are your go-to methods for kicking off, building cohesion, establishing goals, and delivering value together? If you’ve been thinking about refreshing your toolkit, would you consider a customizable process—with or without steamed milk—to ensure that everyone knows why they are on the project and why it is going to be the best one ever?

The Power of Geospatial Data In Developing Countries

The Power of Geospatial Data In Developing Countries

Many countries in the Global South are not fortunate enough to have the infrastructure or tools that we take for granted. Things as simple as knowing where a community is can mean life or death when battling disease. Join us as Dr. Victoria M. Gammino walks us through her work turning geospatial data into the tools and technology needed to keep the world healthy and disease free.

The Best Security Against Quantum Attack Isn’t Quantum Key Distribution

The Best Security Against Quantum Attack Isn’t Quantum Key Distribution

Every day, billions of people connect to the internet. When you log on to your favorite website, for example, you can be quite safe in assuming that what you get is the real MITRE website and not a random server pretending to be to steal information. You can also safely assume that you are the only one who can log on to your bank account and access all the information contained in it.

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