A New Resource Helps Thwart Hackers by Analyzing their Actions

A New Resource Helps Thwart Hackers by Analyzing their Actions

Author: Jennifer LarsonAnticipate. Analyze. Attack.That’s how you defeat cybercriminals. You anticipate the type of behavior they’re planning. You analyze their actions. Then, if necessary, you attack them. And fortunately for the people with the job of thwarting...
Eureka Café

Eureka Café

In this post, Howard Gershen describes how he managed Samuel Johnson’s feat of making “new things familiar, and familiar things new” for colleagues with discriminating palates. Best part of his approach is that you can try it right away, adjusting, of course, to the...
Tackling the Technical Challenge of Getting Lost and Found Indoors

Tackling the Technical Challenge of Getting Lost and Found Indoors

Knowledge sharing and collaboration is a big tent, and any number of ways to practice the craft are available to our staff. One of MITRE’s geospatial teams chose to take their interest in sharing positioning data for reasons of public safety to a convention center in...

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