Proactive User Experiences with Dan Poltar, Jimmy Vo, Anthony Lopez, and Kyle Baptiste

Proactive User Experiences with Dan Poltar, Jimmy Vo, Anthony Lopez, and Kyle Baptiste

In our new episode of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science in the Knowledge-Driven Enterprise, we discuss business drivers, future vision, technologies, and the framework supporting proactive user experiences in information technology.

DevOps with a Slice of Pie

DevOps with a Slice of Pie

I work as a DevOps Engineer. For a long time, I could not explain my career in a way that my mother could understand. She wanted to understand, but something as abstract and complex as DevOps can be hard for a lay person to grasp. 

Eventually, I realized that my explanations focused only on the technical aspects of DevOps—the pipeline, automation, Infrastructure as Code—and not on the foundational principles of DevOps itself: Flow, Feedback, and Continuous Improvement. These three principles, called the Three Ways, I can explain to my mother by using her favorite hobby—baking—as a metaphor. 

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